Monday, March 12, 2018

Interest Meeting

Hey, farming friends!

This past week Fluvanna Young Farmers came together for our first meeting. In attendance were Mark Campbell and Ron Saacke, both Farm Bureau Representatives who gave great insight on program development and goal planing. Terry Lintecum was also in attendance as a guest speaker. With a small orchard of his own, Lintecum provided valuable advice for those beginning farming or who have a passion for agriculture. A Longwood graduate, teacher, coach, and bus driver, his passion for farming was instilled through his involvement in the FFA. He says "I owe it all to that jacket." It was touching to hear this story, as I'm sure it made its mark on all who have been a member of the FFA organization.

Four of our committee members were present, along with past Farm Bureau President and 4-H All Star George Goins, current President Channing Snoddy, and FFA Alumni chair David Wood. The meeting was productive and we are excited to get the chapter going! Some of the goals we discussed were working a plot at the community garden, assisting at 4th grade Ag. day, and creating a booth for the fair and Old Farm Day.

Win: The meeting was very informative and successful!
Pinch: Would have been encouraging to see more people in attendance at the meeting.

"Our farmers deserve praise, not condemnation; and their efficiency should be cause for gratitude, not something for which they are penalized." 
-President John F. Kennedy

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