Saturday, February 10, 2018

Breaking Heifers

Hey, farming friends!

The week has been cold and soupy here in Blacksburg, especially for we Fluvanna Young Farmers who are in the process of heifer breaking. As part of a livestock handling class, I have been working with the ever-so sassy Hereford "Missy." While this lady has been filling up much of my time, I have still managed to make progress with my research for Young Farmers. 

As a resource to be utilized by Farm Bureau, I am writing (and hopefully publishing) a county Young Farmers development method. This method will include information about the organization, its objectives, how to assess community needs, and the steps necessary to ensure that the new program is both maintained and sustained. I have been using the Virginia Young Farmers Constitution as an objectives resource. 

As the Young Farmers winter expo steadily approaches, I have been in contact with those attending and keeping them up to date on the weekend's agenda. I have also been in touch with the Fluvanna Farm Bureau office, learning that our proposed budget was approved. I have spoken with Fluvanna County High School senior, Jacob Wood, in regard to this. I will be working with him, as a new Fluvanna Young Farmers officer, for yearly goal development and budget allocation within our organization. 

Win: Two wins this week.... I have halter broken my heifer!... and our YF budget was approved!

Pinch: Grey skies dampening my motivation.

"A good farm is recognized as good partly by its beauty."  
-Wendell Berry 

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