I am dreaming of warmer weather in Blacksburg this week. Yet, through the cold, it has been a productive week for the Fluvanna Young Farmers!
This week, I made contact with Mark Campbell. I discussed the outline and goals of my internship. I also mentioned to him the additional research I will be conducting for the benefit of Farm Bureau. A portion of my internship will include developing a method for Young Farmers Organization creation, in counties without one. I will be assessing the needs in Fluvanna, developing contacts necessary to develop solutions for those needs, and hopefully connecting mentioned needs to the Young Farmers community involvement. My research will include how to overcome potential developmental barriers, as well as the networking and leadership methods for the process.
Another success of the week was planning for our first meeting of the year. It is to be held in the Fluvanna County High School Cafeteria, on March 7th at 5:30pm, for those interested. I discussed this meeting with Ron Saacke, head of the Women and Young Farmers Programs and the Agriculture in the Classroom Program with Farm Bureau. He will be in attendance and will likely be bringing an additional Farm Bureau Rep. to come speak at the meeting. A local farm speaker, TBD, will share their own Fluvanna farming story. Following the business meeting, dinner will be served. Hope you are able to join us!
Win: The Fluvanna Spring Expo planning is underway and the first Young Farmers meeting has been scheduled!
Pinch: Still figuring out the details of my research. Looking forward to digging deeper into Fluvanna's farming needs!
"Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you're a thousand miles from the corn field."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower